Asalamu Alaikum!
We are happy to announce that Hafiz Abdellah El-Khalti will be joining us for this year’s Young Mens Summer Retreat which will occur at Lake George NY from August 11th-August 13th. Get ready for an amazing spiritual retreat along with boating, sports and eating lots of halal food!
If you are a young male who is 14 or older (ages 14-17 need documented parent consent) you are welcome to Register for this event. Please note that space is limited and is first come first serve. Deadline to register & pay is Monday, August 7th, however may close before once spots fill up. Do not delay!
Action Needed (both actions below must be completed in order to complete registration. Filling out the registration form only does not qualify for a completed reservation):
– Register by clicking here
– Pay $200/per person by clicking here
In case of any questions, please reach out to
JazakaAllah Khairan,
ISWM Youth Committee