Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts

Fulfillment of religious needs of local Muslims is the primary mission of ISWM. Its mission also includes presenting Islam and representing the local Muslims to the society et large. It strives to build constructive relationships with non-Muslims in general and other religious (faith) communities in particular.

About ISWMPosition Statement


Hajj “The Annual Pilgrimage of Mecca”

Hajj for a Muslim is the sacred once-in-a-lifetime visit to the Kaaba, the Sacred House or the Sacred Masjid, in the city of Makkah, the present day Saudi Arabia. The Hajj involves certain rituals that must be performed in a specified manner at the specific times, instructed by Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him).

Learn more about HajjEid Al Adha Information

ISWM Next Gen Development

Unite Boys & Girls Youth from the community to participate in obtaining Islamic education & form Islamic friendships in a consistent gathering that provides support & joy in a safe space to create strong leaders for tomorrow.

Learn more...
ISWM Next Gen Development
ISWM Programs

ISWM Programs

ISWM offers a range of educational and spiritual programs for the benefit of the community. From family-oriented events to targeted Halaqas, we invite members of our community and beyond to join us attaining more knowledge to bolster our Imaan. Full details of programs will be published in near future. Due to Covid restrictions, most of the programs are either on hold or help virtually. As we open up slowly more in-person programs and activities will be added.

Learn more
ISWM Services

ISWM Services

ISWM provides religious, social, and funeral services to our community.

Daily congregational prayers to Jumuah and Eid prayers.

Funeral services and other social support services are provided.

More about services

Contact ISWM

377 Amostown Road, West Springfield MA, 01089

Phone :

(413) 788-7546

Email :

Address :

377 Amostown Road, West Springfield MA, 01089