Shaikh Mirza Yawar Baig was the Founder President, and Imam & Khateeb of MHMIC (Mahmood Habib Masjid & Islamic Center, Hyderabad) from 2009 to 2019. In 2020, he joined the Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts, as the Imam & Resident Scholar. Shaikh Yawar has a deep interest in teaching and is an Advisor to the Jamiat ul Ulama (Council of Theologians), South Africa and Sri Lanka, Association of Muslim Schools, South Africa and the Global Association of Islamic Schools. He is a published author of 40 books on Islam, Family Business, Entrepreneurship, Hiring, Wildlife Conservation, and Leadership.
In 1994 he founded Yawar Baig & Associates specializing in Leadership Development, enabling technical specialists transition into leadership roles. In over 35 years, consulting with Multinational Corporations, Government and Business Entrepreneurs on 3 continents he’s taught more than 200,000 managers, administrators, teachers, technologists, and clergy. His 7 books of Jumu’a Khutab (Friday Sermons) are used to train Imams in the Imam Development Program in South Africa and elsewhere. Shaikh Yawar is a world renowned speaker and is regularly invited to speak at international conferences and to teach Islam in different countries. His specialty is the study of the life of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to draw lessons from it to apply in our lives today. He uses his international life and teaching experience to bridge the gap between Islamic theology and modern day challenges of living in multicultural, pluralistic, Western societies. He has a deep interest in building bridges between faiths and cultures and is very involved in our Interfaith work.
He graduated in Islamic Studies from Jamia Ilahiyaat Nooria, Hyderabad and studied further under scholars in India, South Africa and America. He has a BA from Osmania University, Hyderabad, an Executive MBA from the IIMA (Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad) and a Doctorate level Certificate in Applied Behavioral Science from ISABS. His daily podcast called ‘Fajr Reminders’ has a global footprint. He is fluent in Malayalam, Creole, Tamil, English, Arabic, Urdu and Hindi.
Shaikh Abdella El-Khalti

Shaikh Abdella El-Khalti is a Hafidh of the Qur’an from a family where all
his siblings are also Huffadh (memorized the entire Qur’an). His father, who is also his teacher, is among the great Qurra (reciters) of the Qur’an in Morocco.
Shaikh Abdella has a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies from King Hasan II
University, Casablanca and is a graduate of Khalid Institute of Islamic Knowledge, Mauritania.
He spent several years in the Sahara desert in Mauritania, studying Qur’an and Islamic studies, manners and culture from scholars known worldwide for their specialization in these sciences. He is a practical role model for youth and
others alike in Islamic manners and decorum. He is fluent in Arabic, English
and French.
Hafidh Abdella is in charge of the Ta’aleem wa Tahfeedh ul Qur’an (Teaching
and Memorization of the Qur’an) program that we have started in
ISWM. Shaikh Hafidh Abdella leads prayers and delivers one of the Jumu’a